Friday, July 24, 2009

Human's Are Attracted To Water/Beach

I heard from someone (not sure who was it!?) that humans are 70% (or is it 60%) made from water therefore we tend to love water/get closer to water/attracted to water of any form.

I do think this statement is so true, as the 3 of us (me, Yoong and his friend) discover a beach, we were like kids being offered a lollipop, nothing could describe how happy we were...

We didn't care whether if we brought any spare clothes to change in case we wet outselves, we just dash to the lovely beach after getting down from the rented car and taking off our shoes.

The lovely sound of waves really is soothing. The differences between the beach in Northern Ireland and Malaysia are that the water is freezing cold here while the latter is warm and the beach here is free from rubbish.

Found a pebble (alright, just a normal stone) and wanted to do a triple jump with it on the water but fail terribly... Just a one big "domp" and the stone sank.. :-(

The classic shot of shoes and sand. I think this picture won't make the cut as our shoes are dirty.

Look at them boys -__- Love their shoes so much, keeping them away from the sand as high as possible.

Cold soothing water. And its really shallow. Great for wading far...

Found a dead jellyfish, and trying to poke it to see if its alive (but shit lah, it doesn't got any legs anymore and I think its organs is teared away, but still, poking it, like the konyaku [japanese type of jelly but firmer] feeling of it)

See??? I didn't lie. It lost its tentacles and its just a lump of jelly. Call it Mr Jelly (eliminating the fish word).

The dog likes it too. See?? We mammals are all one big family.

The love scene. Thanks to Mr. Yoong's friend.

To lazy to elaborate. What can I say. Its a nice bitch/beach. And we are clearly enjoying ourselves.

Lovely waves. No huge ones. Like delicate babies they are. One after the other.

Its definitely worth the trip. And that's the only beach I'd visited in this 3 years. Pathetic isn't it??
Had make up my mind to just ignore any opinions or objections or criticism towards my blog. I am just going to be me and nobody is going to change that. Way to go Cindy (I know, I sounded with forced optimism).