One word to describe it: WEIRD

Its like a cultural festival mainly for those dark skin people (meaning: middle east or Indian) and there's like tons of "acar" throng-ing the place (Botanic Garden).
As a very "kepo" (busybody) person, me and my housemate certainly won't miss the chance to check it out.

I hate crowded places, but for the sake of photography, I'll have to brave this enormous group of people.

And this... ummm.... what should I call it?? ... Umm... Legendary myth-like icon is definitely the main attraction. Although I haven't got a clue what it is, or what it is doing, or what's it gotta do with this festival. But anyway, unique, and kinda intriguing.

The other "animals" together with the thingy above performing a show. And yes, they are walking on sticks.

Lizard made of colourful tiles. But seriously, I wouldn't place any of this sort in my house.

Yeah, they do have a craft village alright. The only one that attracted me was the Japan stall.

Something for the kids.

And yeah, we are high tech like that to have a big ass screen to show what's performing on stage.

All in all, its a pleasant trip (minus the freaking rain which made me all wei) and although I didn't get to buy anything, but being able to experience different culture is certainly an eye-opener. Oh wait, more of like an eye-shocker to me.
Thanks so much for those who helped me get me back at all those hater's insults. Really, I need some pillar (like you dear readers out there) to make me strong in dealing with them. I can't imagine that my blog is already attracting haters!!!!