Saturday, December 26, 2009

Digging For Amusing Videos

Had been cooped up in the house for so damn long, youtubing whatever interesting videos that I can get my eyes on, and here's my couple of favourite ones.

Britney Spears 3 Music Video
This is not your normal Britney Spears. Played by 3 guys who pretend to be have a triangle love. Totally gay and hilarious. Superb production.

Lady Gaga - Poker Face - Parody ("Outer Space")
Genius one-gal-multiple-role who acted throughout the whole video as well as created her own humourous lyrics for the tune "Poker Face".

Umbrella - Parody
Boy version of Umbrella with a twist in the song, and great voice/band for the song.

Pope Knocked Down at Christmas Mass
This is the highlight of the week, a woman jumped the barriers in St. Peter's Basilica (Italy, Vatican City) and knocked down Pope Benedict XVI as he walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass on Thursday.