Thursday, June 17, 2010

Exotic Stuff I'd Got From Japan Haul

What I'd got (from top left corner):
Dietary Fiber
DHC Blueberry Supplement
Hot Cleansing Gel
Underarm Sweat Absorber
Cotton Pad for doing facial masks
Body Whip Cream in Vanilla and Berry Mix

Makeup I'd Scored:
Maybelline Volume Express Mascara (alright, maybe this isn't Japanese brand, but whatever)
Lavshuca Lip Gloss
Kate Lip Gloss
Majolica Majorca Skin Lingerie Pore Cover
Cazenne Lip Liner and Brush

Acnes Spot Remover
Happy Bath Day Soft Body Scrub
Freshel (Kanebo) Whitnening Lotion

I'm so excited to try them out. Some which I never encounter before in the UK and Malaysia. Maybe its me being caveman from the 1st centry, but yeah, I was quite new to these especially the body cream in the whip cream container and the Underarms Sweat Absorber as well as the 3 layer lipgloss. If there's something that I love, I will certainly do a review on it.