Sunday, July 25, 2010

1 Word Tag

A tag from Marcia's blog I am so interested in doing this tag. And you readers might go... "Oh no!!! Not another tag post."

Where is your cell? None

Where is your significant other? UK

Hair colour? Black

Mother? Kindergarden

Father? Home

Fave thing? Internet

Last dream? Garden

Dream or goal? Rich

Room you're in? Hall

Hobby? Blogging

Fear? Insects

Where do you want to be in 6 years? Manager

Where were you last night? Office

What you're not? Courageous

One of your wishlist items? Chanel

Where you grew up? Everywhere

Last thing you did? Bathe

What are you wearing? Shirt

TV? Uninterested

Pet? None

Computer? Dell

Mood? Worried

Missing Someone? Definitely

Car? Fairlady

Something you're not wearing? Bra

Fave Store? Hankyu

Summer? Melting

Love someone? Yup

Fave colour? Pink

Last time you laughed? Just

Last time you cried? Ages