Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Finally Got My Hands On...

The ever famous Chanel Paradoxal Nail Polish. Although I've yet to try out its application, but its color in the bottle looks every so gorgeous. A greyish dark purple that oozes sex appeal, dirty but yet sophisticated. Heard that this nail polish sells like hot pancakes and people are practically queueing for this a few months back (apparently, Chanel Khaki Vert and Rose are the popular ones right now).

Anyway, just to be a responsible blogger, I wanna inform you that this blog would go a bit slow. Which meant that the author would not publish as many posts as previous times. The reason? A bit of laziness, with a dash of illness and tons of no-opportunity-to-take-pictures-ness. Alright, I know that not that people would care, but I'm just sayin'.