Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Zimbabwe Says It Will Sell Its Marange Diamonds

Zimbabwe will sell diamonds from the Marange diamond fields because it can’t be stopped by “hostile nations,” the state-controlled Herald, said, citing Mines Secretary Thankful Musukutwa.
The Kimberly Process, an international body that rules on conflict diamonds, “cannot go political in its dealings,” the Harare-based newspaper cited Musukutwa as saying. Zimbabwean authorities are surprised about allegations of human rights abuses at Marange, Musukutwa was cited by the Herald as telling a visiting delegation from the Norwegian government.
The government denies allegations of human rights violations and says it has complied with all Kimberley Process demands, the Herald reported on its website.
To contact the reporter on this story: Brian Latham in Durban at blatham@bloomberg.net.