Tuesday, August 10, 2010

SADC Lawyers Association Calls for Zimbabwe to be Reprimanded

THE Southern African Development Community (Sadc) Lawyers Association has urged regional heads of state meeting in Namibia next week to condemn Zimbabwe for its continued disregard of Sadc tribunal rulings.

The tribunal, a judicial dispute settlement organ for the region, ruled in 2008 that the occupation of farms in Zimbabwe by land grabbers was illegal.

The tribunal also ordered the Zimbabwean government to protect commercial farmers and their workers and allow them to continue farming their land. But the Zimbabwean government flouted the tribunal’s judgment.

Last month, the tribunal issued another ruling confirming that the government was in contempt of the tribunal’s previous ruling. 

In response, Zimbabwean Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa said the tribunal “could make as many such judgments as possible” but this would not change the government’s stance on the land issue.

“Clearly therefore, the government of Zimbabwe is not going to abide by the tribunal rulings on its own free will. We therefore urge the … forthcoming Sadc summit … to take a principled stand and condemn the actions of the Zimbabwean government in the interests of regional cohesion and integrity,” the association said .

The association said heads of state should urge its member states, including Zimbabwe, to respect regional institutions, which played an important role in defining the region.

“Continued silence on the actions of the Zimbabwean authorities will only help to play in the hands of sceptics who doubt the ability of the regional leaders to deal effectively with the government of 
