Its been a while since I got inspired by something, or do something inspirational. Well, maybe blogging is counted as one, or Youtubing, but doing something much more soul searching like meditation or painting or singing (WTF!?) is way off my list
Source: WeHeartIt
Has it ever occur to you that once you start on something, you can't seem to stop doing it. You'll just continue doing it until you get fed up with it. That's me right now
I think its something gotta do with the homones that we people tend to have different emotions and temperaments, some on the slower side, some on the fiesty side, its just all too fascinating deciphering them.
Aaahhh, procrastinating seems like a good option when you're too cowardly to start a huge project. Take it step by step, complete A 1st before ever skipping to B, this way, you''ll feel like you're more in control.

Ooo, every gals has to have dreams... A fairy tale prince, a princessy dress and golden carriage to sweep our feet off the ground and live happily ever after. All too good to be true ^_^
Definitely pluck your courage and move forward. Don't you even try to look back and agonize over something that has been the past and you can't even change. Just start being best starting from now on.
I think I need to retreat to my little spot of relaxation and sip a cup of earl grey tea and take it slow. One step at a time babe.