Went for an outing at Bangor which is like 40 minutes drive from Belfast by car with my friend, Judith.

The wee red dot with the speech bubble would be the location of Bangor in the Northern Ireland map.
We specially went there to shop at the Sunday flee market because we heard there were many good bargains. I know, we Malaysians are always sceptical about using 2nd hand stuff by perceiving how dirty the stuff are, but really, you'll never know once you get your hands on them.

Lovely jewellery but mine broke after wearing it like 3 times. The moral of the story?? Never buy accessories in flee market, they aren't as study as they seem.

My friend. ^__^

I think B angor is famous for its port and embankment for loads of yatch, fishing boats and small cruise to anchor. Aaahh, the world of the rich....

Lovely lovely seabay view...

Yeah, forgot to bring out my sunnies and cap... Isshh!!

Don't ask me where this is, cuz I can't find a word for it. A shore maybe!!??