I miss listening to chinese stations from Malaysia and dying to hear something from my nation country, so I'd decided to search online for life program to cease my cravings for some hometown itch.
The regular visit would be this station..

MY FM. Oh, I just love the musics and the advertisement (yes, I can't believe myself, I'm actually enjoying the advertisements too, its just brings back loads of memories).

The next one would be 988 FM. Although I don't "indulge" in this, but occasionally when I get bored of modern chinese music, I'll tune to this station for some classics.

This would be Hitz.FM, the english radio station. I'm staying in the UK so I think I would much prefer sticking to listening to the stations here as their music on air would be more up-to-date. Unless I'm craving for some Malaysian english (Manglish) speaker or something.

Well, this station came up randomly, Lite FM, which plays those oldies and can really rock me to sleep. But still, its a Malaysian thing, so why not??
I tried to listen to Singapore station online too but can't seem to find the button to push for listening live. So am gonna skip them. (Hey, I grew up listening to Singapore station so don't judge me as an unpatriotic idiot).