Things got worse when all my close friends left this work place. Each having a reason of their own. And if only I could participate and be one of them, I wouldn't need to fret anything now. But still, I can't be a arrogant brat and totally condemn this place as it did provide me with money to survive here in UK.
But nevertheless, I still feel so lonely here with loads of uncertainties surrounding me right now, leaving me stun to the ground and unable to move an inch. I wish I could grasp the future and forsee what's going to happen, but I've no power over what's going to befall upon me and thus, the only thing I could do is pray hard.
I only wanted to be part of this exciting world and live happily ever after with family and friends. But I'm not that naive to believe that this would happen cuz reality always don't go that way. If only I have enough courage to overcome the challenges waiting for me and not hide behind one's back.
I want to revise the time when all of us are happily working and studying. I want to turn back the hands of time and revisit those cheerful, stress-free time of life. But I'm not a GOD to determine when I could savour these historic moments and therefore, what I could do is only look forward and hope for the best.
But I'll make a promise to myself, I won't bow down to problems nor shy away from obstacles. I will make sure that I walk the right path to prevent myself from feeling regretful thereafter.
I Will Live To Be A Better Gal So Bring On The Challenges Mate!!

I will always remember you guys and hopefully we could gather once in a while to reminisce the good old days..