Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Welcoming Steamboat Dinner

I'd got a new housemate therefore a welcome dinner is essential (its actually meant to be a dinner for all my juniors but they can't make it -__-).

Anyway, here's him....

That's his girlfriend who is currently holidaying here for a month.

Tadaa... The ingredients for steamboat. Its quite scrumptious, right?? Well, of course, not like there's abalone or high class thinly sliced beef for shabu-shabu.

This is mussel meat by the way.

Dried bean curd.

My pork ball. Its the best of the night, really, with it chewy texture (and proud to say, I'd made them myself with egg white and tons of flour)

The essential hydrogenatd processed food as well as the pork belly which I cut thinly and it becomes the star of the night.

Camwhoring before we start eating because things are gonna get ugly. You'll see what I mean after scrolling down.

Cuz the soup base is super spicy. And I really do mean spicy.

I added 2 cans of Sichuan Soup for this steamboat and its tongue-burning hot... OMG, all of us had a glass of water/milk prepared for that. And the bean curd really absorb all of the spicy hot layer of oil which make them hell....

Look at Yoong's sweat. We are even living in a cold temperature room (its autumn now, and its super cold mind you).

Its even too spicy till I need to wash all the ingredients with water to clean off all the spicy sauce. ^__^ I'm terrible at eating spicy food like that. My tongue went numb and all my senses went corrupted. I think next time I'm switching to chicken soup...