The only thing that I knew about this date is that its a dangerous day where bad kids (those wearing track pants) will roam about and smash shops window glasses and get drunk in the broad day light and just mess up the street or anywhere..
The 1st year I came, I was told to STAY AT HOME ON THESE FEW DAYS. But little did I know that this date mark the victory of some war which is somehow connected to William Orange
From my favourite wiki:
The Twelfth is an annual Protestant celebration on 12 July, originating in Ireland. It is alternatively known also as Orangemen's Day, as the Boyne celebrations, commemorating the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, and the Glorious Revolution. Members of the Orange Institution stage parades throughout Northern Ireland and to a lesser extent in several other parts of the world. While it is a Protestant celebration, not all Irish Protestants celebrate it, whether due to political or cultural reasons or indifference. More recently, attempts have been made to play down explicitly political aspects of the parades (as well as any violent history) and present the Twelfth as a "cultural" event, at which tourists are welcome.

See, there's like so many groups of marching band, all beating the same tune, but wearing different uniforms, showing off their flag from different district, its like a massive gathering of people around Northern Ireland watching their politicians doing monkey business (ok, maybe not monkey, but really.. -__- )

Look at this man, I am giving him an A for styling himself with the Jack Union, especially flashing it at his most manly part.

The small boy is even enjoy himself, throwing the baton every now and then, as if as he plays an important part of the parade, you know, how little boys act when they're in the prime light..

This uncle is so smart and proud looking, wearing sunnies and holding a sword and all, like an older version of James Bond, don't you think?

These 2 horses are massive... I do mean, humongous, and I do mean like stupendously enormous, like taller than those angmoh, like taller than the cart with big wheels, and seriously speaking, I only reach its stomach (I am 5 foot 1 to be exact, don't call me dwarf!!) And if these 2 mammals were to go on a rampage, it could really second those bulls in spain on a stampede.

And there you go, just a sneak preview of what's going on in Northern Ireland on that date, every single year, its gonna be the same...
And this parade happen just outside my house (ok, not really like outside, its a way bit further outside off the main road).
Day 4 - Living Without You