1st day in Scotland, and we landed ourselves into big trouble... And I do mean big time, leaving our pouch on the bus when travelling from Glasgow to Edinburg (contents: 2 MALAYSIAN PASSPORTS, SONY ERICSSON P1I MOBILE PHONE, SUNNIES AND COUPLE OF MASKS).
We definitely were really panick, the mind just gone blank, thinking of travelling back to Glasgow again to catch up with the bus that had just gone back (yeah, we are stupid like that, to only realize that the pouch was not with us after 40 minutes).
We told the bus stand operator (thank God that Scotland is an English speaking land), called the call center, called the Lost and Found Property Office like about 10++ times, making them being annoyed with us. You really should see the 2 of us, black face, no smiling, just kept apologizing to each other, tired, hungry...

What's worse still, the relevant bus driver went for his break and the Glasgow officer couldn't check his bus, therefore more waiting... and more phone calls were made. We were worried sick (to and fro Glasgow and Edinburgh takes about an hour) and the driver takes his 30 minutes breakie, while we waited anxiously for him to come back...
After like 2 hours and a half of non-stop waiting while making phone calls, we finally realized that we didn't even try to call the sony ericsson mobile phone which is left in the pouch. Therefore, we called it, and finally, after the 2nd call, an officer picked up the phone and boy were we relieved.

And we were all back to smiling.... At least I was... I mean, we even got ourselves to prepare for the worse to come. Passport missing = no flight back to Northern Ireland = waste money on ferry to return to Northern Ireland = go to Dublin to make a new passport = Yoong won't be going back to Malaysia = I will be happy if he stayed back.
But still, we needed to wait for the bus to bring back our pouch. and therefore, more waiting... T__T.

Playing Sudoku while waiting...

Still playing Sudoku while waiting...

and still playing Sudoku while waiting...

Sigh... This is the only pass time, thus still playing Sudoku while waiting...

Camwhoring in the midst of playing Sudoku while waiting...

And finally we got our pouch back. And thanks, but no thanks to bus stand operator, really, although he's of no help, and we were even scolded by him, bloody bastard, but still, need to "thank him" for contacting Glasgow bus officer. Snap a pic of him so that I could remember his arrogant face.
Anyway, we were glad that things were sorted out and although we wasted like 1 day in Edinburgh doing nothing but waiting (after all the trauma, it was 8pm and we didn't even had our dinner). Oh shoot, anyway, got our passport back, so Yoong's in Malaysia now T__T
Day 5 - Living without you.