The 1st stop, would be....
Well, we reach there at noon, and we were so hungry, but still, decided to find our hostel, unpack our things, do some sight-seeing before satisfying our grumbling tummy.
Its a pity that we weren't allow to snap pictures in there. There were tons of interesting finds and science playtoys. This is one of the musuem both Yoong and me didn't find boring. At least he wasn't complaining.
The only complain??? Aiyo, don't me so stingy on ingredients mah, imagine just one prawn and 2 sotong (cuttlefish), like there's some disaster coming tomorrow and you have to save up on food. -__- This whole plate really made me go -__-
This is what I call scumptious. And that's my plate of Nasi lemak with Rendang ayam. I miss the sambal, the fragrant rice, of course, altough I much prefer the Malay version, but nevertheless, its one of the best in UK (don't play play, I'd tasted worse Nasi Lemak in Northern Ireland).

Last but not least, my favourite Sambal Belacan Kangkung. I was so happy with this dish that I had decided that next time, when Yoong and I were free, we are going to take the plane, cross the ocean, and come here just to have this food. I mean, the airplane ticket is cheap (£20 for 2) and it only took us half an hour to reach here from Northern Ireland.
A slightly polished plate. The portions are big, and so are our belly. I'm coming back for more, and that's a promise.
One of a kind decor of some building. And of course, you would have recognize what that animal is on top of the building.
The musuem of modern art. The statue made us laugh as you can spot something funny on its head. Yup, something modern and add a twist to the whole feeling.
Inside the musuem. Love this mirror. But we couldn't take any photos inside, so there's that.

Unique bin.
Everyone love candies. Especially gals. And into the shop we went.

This is a disc looking paper-sort-of-candy. You could consume it but the colour may put you off. And that's a lot of "papers" to eat (trust me, they do taste like papers, I'd tried real papers before ya, don't cha think I don't know how papers taste like).
Leaving non-empty handed.

See?? I bought the paper stuff, but its in the form of Euros, some candy miniature balls, some chocolate coated with hundreds and thousands and the raspberry flavoured sweet and sour strips.
The wee dog in the hostel. Sleeping like there's no tomorrow. This is one smart dog. The 1st time we step into the hostel, it kept barking at us as we were strangers to it. But the 2nd time, it welcome us with its waggly tail. And there were several other occupants in this hostel, it could recognize us all...
And the portion of this is really gigantic, the chicken, oh gosh, the both of us try to stuff as much as we could into our almost-filled tummy.
As I'd said before (or rather nor), UK's dogs are all well trained. Most of them doesn't need any rope tied to their masters while they take walks in the evening.
In some botanic garden.

This is a very naughty work from Yoong. He was really fascinated by this road sign. And the one after.
His justification?? Before and after sex.
OK, get ready, here comes the Britain's best Nachos.
No, not us....
And the portion is f*king huge. Look at the comparison with Yoong's hands (and for goodness sake, Yoong ain't got a tiny dainty hand).
I do have to agree on the word "TASTIEST" as this is definitely the best Nachos I'd ever eaten. Soft creamy cheese on the bed of Tortillas, sprinkle with Jalapenos and slap on loads of salsa sauce with some sour cream to finish the topping.
This is 100% heavenly. Not to mention 34925kcal. Credits have to be given to the slighty soury salsa sauce the the melted cheese. They really combine well, and those Jalapenos add some twang to the this god-forsaken dish.
The quite ok pizza with chicken topping.
Can't finish this, so have to da-pao (take-away).
And dessert, pancake with maple syrup. Its a perfect finish to the this whole meal and this great and filling day. Really, I can't stop eating once I'm touring with Yoong. I think its a sign from Shan Cai Pu Sa to marry Yoong as he provide me with loads of food ;P
Day 12 - Living without you.