Finally, over 20k hits, have been waiting for this day a long long time...
My stats crawls like a turtle and I am trying to find ways to make it rocket.
And I'll have to celebrate it with 6 days work next week T__T.
Anyway, here's something to share...
This is from a site call Anagram where they will change the positions of letters in your name and form them into something else (you know, like in the movie Harry Potter where The villian change his name from TOM MARVALO RIDDLE to I AM LORD VOLDERMORT).
And as I type my name CINDY KHOR, this is what I get...

So my name really sucks, I don't have a D**K to start with... But yeah, I do admit, I'm a bit horny -__- (just kidding)
So I decided to give my name a little twist and type in CIN KHOR, and this is what I get...

OK, from now on, call me CIN...
Day 14 - Living without you