Tensions between Tsvangirai’s MDC and Mugabe’s Zanu-PF have hit breaking point over control of the security forces, including key appointments such as the Reserve Bank governor and the attorney-general.
Mugabe has made it clear that he will not reverse the appointments of Gideon Gono and Johannes Tomana as the Reserve Bank governor and attorney-general, respectively.
According to the MDC, all levers of state power have completely shifted into Mugabe’s hands while security chiefs also refuse to recognise Tsvangirai’s authority.
Tsvangirai’s spokesman, James Maridadi said the meeting will deal with sticky issues of the unity government such as the appointments of the Reserve Bank governor and attorney-general.
"He will further brief President Zuma on the state of the nation - the economy, health matters and other socioeconomic issues affecting Zimbabweans."
The meeting between Tsvangirai and Zuma comes as tensions continue to grow between the MDC and Zanu-PF in Zimbabwe.
* Afrik