Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'd Lost My Job Offer

T_____T and **sigh** were my 1st expression that lasted for about 2 minutes once I'd opened the letter of death.

After reality hit hard (I'd always told myself that the economy isn't as bad as it seems), I woke up from my dream land and now, I have to advance myself to another new level where I have to search for another job.

Therefore, I gotta do something about this whole - "I'm gonna work in the UK as a IT engineer" but dream vanish - thing.

Now, I am free to do whatever I want. Plan trips to go home or get a PHD or marry (just kidding).

Please console me and make me feel better as I'm now an UNEMPLOYED.

You know what?? I think I'm gonna treat myself to something good tomorrow to cheer myself up. You're with me, right??