Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Inflation Really Did Kicked In

I was browsing through some designer's site like LV and Gucci and was really shocked to find the prices of their products had increased 10%-15%.

Louis Vuitton

If my memory did not fail me, the increase in price £550 --> £620

£280 --> £320 --> £390
£280 --> £333

£1280 --> £1400

Disclaimer: The cheaper prices stated are based from what I had remembered. It does not really mean the real actual price before it increases. This is just an approximate.
I think I need to really earn more money and get my hands on them before they increase their prices to an unreachable amount for common peasants like me.
But why is my salary not increasing concurrently??? Still the same T____T
Someone told me that my blog posts are getting boring.... Is it??