Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Just Realized

that yesterday I did not post up any entry... OMG!!! I think I'd been a bad girl and disappointed this blog's readers. **slap own cheek** . Maybe just too busy shopping and making pancakes and watching movie and talking to Yoong.

Anyway, I was trying to figure out what is my best face angle in order to acheive high quality, good lookin photo of my self portrait. Dab on some make up and snap about 2523 photos of me self. and deleted 2510 and just wanted to show you how bloody ugly and freaking good some turn out.

1st and 2nd the ugly ones. Everybody say "eewww", **eewww**, and please scroll down as fast as you can. (The reason I'm posting ugly ones here to let you see how ugly I can be and to remind me to stop taking photos from this angle).

One eye big, one eye small

The fake teeth-showing-smile. I hate it.
Next... the better ones.

That's better

A trick to thinner face. Haha. I think I'm going nuts here. Nobody does this post (I think). This is what I call "Gals are always vain creatures".