Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Totally Unhealthy

As the saying goes: one can judge a person's healthy through its fingers. And I wholeheartedly agree on that. My mum use to teach us to look at our fingers and determine the state of healthiness that we are in.

And this is what I saw that gaves me a shudder.

A white spot at the left index fingernail. **gasps** In my entire life, I don't have these kinda whitish spots at my fingers at all (can you see it?? its at the base of the fingernail) and this is an indication that my body is lacking of vitamins and minerals.

This is my right index finger. There's a fade whitish spot too. I'm so done... And look, not only spots that I'm talking about, its the whole nail cuticle that upsets me too. Its peeling and looking malnourish. Arrggghhhh... T__T
Therefore, I need to stock up.... on...
These babies. Look at them. Waving at me, saying, cummon, time to replenish your body, you don't wanna die early, right??
I'm having a crisis now, its call a post-graduate-no-job crisis where I can't sleep well and get agitated very often. I need some support T__T