Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ways To Sleep Better

As I've been having several sleepless and dreamful night (which isn't a good sign), I've decided to look up some info on how to sleep better.
  • Relax - Having a warm bath or massage before hitting the bed could really help open up the blood vessels and cool down your body to help your body tune into sleep mode. And don't touch the PS3 if you can help it...
  • Dim the lights - As watching TV or facing the laptop could keep you awake (something to do with it emitting some sort of light), its best not to do them 30 minutes before sleeping... Try reading the book or meditate instead. Off all lights and on the dim light (you know the Hello Kitty one where you plug into socket!!). This will definitely drowse your mind to sleep.
  • Healthy eating and exercise - Will I'm not going to explain the scientific theory behind the concept.. But I do know that exercising in the evening could really help in better sleeping as you get so tired from doing it and toss off to sleep once you touch bed.
  • Get the right alarm - It says here that we should get a dawn-simulator alarm clocks but I personally prefer my own handphone. And I really would choose those soothing songs to be my alarm tone (wonderful world by Micheal Buble) so that I won't jerk up to the sudden sound of "cockle-doodle-doo" which annoys me everytime.
  • Don't spent 20 minutes awake in bed - This will cause the body to associate bed with being awake. Just get up and do something else until the sleepiness comes... Wow... OK... I'm gonna heed this advice...
  • Try some herbal medication - I personally use St. John's Wort. Its not a guy -_- Its a supplement which will help in better sleeping routine, or so I'd heard.
  • Avoid taking naps in the afternoon - If sleeping in the afternoon is gonna break the sleeping pattern, then just forgo the afternoon naps. Thus the body would have the need to rest at night.
  • Avoid supper - Oh no...!!! I can't survive without my last meal of the day... Alright, I'll try to skip supper... Its somthing gotta to do with the stomach and intestine unable to rest... There's even a saying that if the body consumes food before bedtime, the person will more likely to have nightmare wtf -_-
There you go... A list to sleep better... Wish me luck in getting a good night rest tonight... I need them especially when my depressed emotions are looming nearby.